quinta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2011


Some of this days... I thought that if I can write in another language.
Ok, ok... Which of then? 
(which? Are you kidding me?)
Chi lo sà?
Porque no creio que Io puedo escrivir en outra lengua. Cervantes vá a perdonarme. Pero, voy hacer una aventura. Oscar Wilde, por favor, creame: mys intenciones son muy distintas.
My mother language is portuguese. I love it. And I agree that portuguese is one of  the most dificults languages to learn in whole world.Yeah, we are "osso duro de roer".
Yesterday, I was thinking to myself: Can I?
Or, must I?
Maybe my heart needs to...
Because it's possible exist some murder (first degree) in a grammar, or english, or spanish and or italian.
But, I followed my brain and I cried all night long to imagine how my life goes on without you, my love. My dearst love!
Poor body; my body hearts every memory. When I walked in the park,
At the airport
At home in the night, at work in the crappy days
and in my bed.
Why did you do what you do? Answer me. I need like the air penetrating in my lungs.
Before all this things, you used to say "just two of us".
Answer me! Otherwise, in this tropical heat, I'm gonna burning in front of you, and after, I'm gonna burning you.
Watch me!

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